Saturday, October 6, 2007

Last one from the holidays

E aqui está o último desenho das férias - e este foi mesmo o último, feito numa das idas à praia já perto do fim das férias. O sol já se tinha posto, mas o meu marido e a minha filha mais velha não davam sinais de querer voltar para casa...
* * *
Here's the last sketch from the holidays - and this was really the last one I did, in one of our last days on the beach. The sun had already set, but my husband and older daughter didn't seem to be willing to go back home...


  1. your sketch really shows you the connection that your husband has with your daughter, both looking out over the water, I love it.

  2. I like the longing feel you captured in the sketch. Did they fish some more?

  3. hi! I really like your holiday sketches. they are simple and tell so much. Thanks for your help in naming the flowers. The leaves are fern. You know a LOT!!! Thanks vor visiting. Greetings, Martín.

  4. olá ana. mas que férias tão "maravilhosas". beijinho
